In the Media
Featured Bylines
New York Times
New York Times, "Is Your Child a Phone 'Addict'?"
New York Times, "The Secret Social Media Lives of Teenagers"
New York Times, How to Help Kids Disrupt 'Bro Culture'
New York Times, "What's Worrying Teenagers Right Now"
New York Times, "Some Teenagers are Creating New Rituals in the Pandemic"
Washington Post
Washington Post, "Instagram, Snapchat, Fortnite: The Distractions Are Endless, Here's How To Help Kids Cope"
Washington Post, "How much screentime? Silicon Valley Families are still trying to figure it out"
Washington Post, "How to Motivate Older Kids Without Using Rewards, Punishment or Fear (No, really)"
Washington Post, "What Teens Wish Their Parents Knew About Social Media"
Washington Post, "5 Ways Parents Can Help Kids Balance Social Media With the Real World"
Washington Post, "5 ways to help teens feel seen and heard in an uncertain time"
Washington Post, "How Parents Can Help Their Children Cultivate Healthy Friendships"
Fast Company
Fast Company, "The invisible handbook of skills Gen Z employees lack"
Fast Company, "This is how the college cheating scandal could hurt kids with learning differences"
Fast Company, "How to Stay Emotionally Connected While Social Distant"
CNN, "We're Thinking About Teens and Social Media All Wrong"
Today, "9 Ways to Help Teens Manage Their Social Media Footprint"
Expert Features and Interviews
Boston Globe, "National College Decision Day isn’t a referendum on how well you did as a parent"
NPR, "How to turn your home into a school without losing your sanity (comic)"
NPR, "Six tips for homeschooling during coronavirus"
NPR, "When the Going Gets Tough... Let Kids Fail?"
Edsurge News, "How To Keep Kids From Being Mean Online"
Wall Street Journal, "Juul Says It Will Quit Social Media"
The Telegraph, "Why Are Silicon Valley Execs Banning Their Kids From Using Social Media?"
NBC, "Big Tech's First Steps to Fight Addiction Fail to Impress"
USA Today, "From Promposals to Snaps, Smartphones Are Crashing the Prom Party"
Fast Company, "Sorry, Silicon Valley Won't Save Your Kids From Tech Addiction"
Parents Magazine, "Why It's Never Too Early To Teach Your Child Good Social Media"
Chicago Tribune, "Social Media Footprints Are Nothing New, So What Were Those Harvard Kids Thinking?"
USA Today, "If You Plan to Use a Tracking App on Your Teen's Phone, You Must Tell Them"
USA Today, “Social Media Rules for Teens”
USA Today, "Desire to Unplug Resonates in the New Year"
New York Times, "Simple Student Routines for Back-to-School Success"
New York Times, "Simple Solutions for Back to School Organization", “Kids as Young as Five Concerned about Body Image”
Mindshift, "When parents only focus on college admissions, essential skills can slip through the cracks"
Palo Alto Weekly, "Sharing pearls of wisdom in a pressure-cooker world"