My latest book on Good Morning America

My latest book, Erasing the Finish Line is out THIS WEEK!

The book was featured on Good Morning America. What an exciting way to bring a book into the world!

I hope it sparks a necessary and needed conversation around moving beyond the panic and faulty finish lines of college admissions to focus on the fundamental skills all kids need around academic success, social connection and well-being, and long-term financial stability.

The work ties directly into workforce development and the early career work I started to do with recent college graduates and companies to support retention and growth.

Get your copy. Julianna Miner, author of Raising a Screen Smart Kid, wrote this (unsolicited!) testimonial on her Instagram stories weekend: If you have a kid in high school you need this book… I wish I had this book three years ago. 

If you love the book, write a review on Amazon or Goodreads.

Join an event. All events are listed on my website. Here are a few upcoming NY + SF events for those who will be in the area – all events are great for students + families:

Wednesday, September 6 – Town School for Boys (San Francisco) – ticketed event

Sunday, September 10 – Books Passage Corte Madera (Marin)

Wednesday, September 13 – Birch Wathen Lenox School (New York) – ticketed event

If you would like to host a speaking engagement, here’s all the information for booking a speaking engagement. 


Warm wishes,


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