Why did you originally come to Green Ivy? I wasn’t the most studious high school student, but I had ambitions to go to a great university and I wanted options. When I started at Green Ivy, my grades were poor and I was a horrible test taker, and while I realized grades aren’t everything, raising mine meant I would have a wider range of options for college.
How long did you work with us? Almost three years.
Which skills or habits did you learn that were the most effective in helping you achieve your own goals? Test taking + organization! That was what helped me the most, that and how to study effectively and retain the most important information. I was used to just getting by, barely getting my homework done in time, and didn’t know how to use the knowledge I was learning.
Did you continue to use these skills throughout high school and college? If yes, which ones specifically? Organization and preparation! I am now in the travel industry and am one of the biggest “planners” around, according to my peers. I like to have everything mapped out these days, and it all goes back to the skills I learned working with Ana!
Describe your work today. What is your favorite part of your job? I started a company, JusCollege, with a high school friend. We are a student travel company focused on providing high-end experiences for students at a fraction of the cost. We focus on Spring Break travel, senior trips to Vegas, ski trips, fraternity weekenders in cities like New Orleans, Chicago, Nashville and much more. We also are the official collegiate marketing arm and partner of music festivals around the country that provides discounts for 18-25 year olds. My favorite part of my job is doing what I love. I enjoy going to work every day, creating my own schedule (even though I work 60-100 hour weeks) and providing experiences my clients are going to remember for the rest of their lives.
What surprised you most about working with Green Ivy? I enjoyed it (haha). Previously, I hated academic counseling and tutoring, but Ana made my experience amazing. Not only did I see results, but I enjoyed spending time in the office.
Do you have any favorite moments or stories about your time at Green Ivy that you’d like to share? (Side note: Bo, my favorite was when you set three goals for yourself – GPA goal, starting on the varsity water polo team, and winning CCS – and all three came true!) I would say meeting my goals, as Ana said from my GPA, water polo achievements and college admissions. I got into 4 out of the 5 top schools I wanted to go to, and ended up at CU-Boulder. I set a goal before my junior year to start on the varsity water polo team as well as win CCS that year. Halfway through the year the head coach decided to bench three seniors and move younger guys (one of them being me) into the starting lineup. Once that happened, we didn’t lose a single game and upset Menlo in the championship against a goalie who was ranked as best in the world at that time. I ended up scoring the winning goal with a buzzer beater at the end of the 3rd quarter.
If you could go back and have a conversation with your younger self about school, what advice would you give? Listen to your elders and take their advice. They have been there before and have learned from many mistakes.
What are your current professional and personal goals? To sell my company in the next 1-4 years, take a year off and travel the world (for enjoyment and not work) and then come back into a sales consulting role or VP of Sales for another startup. I want to enjoy what I’m doing and go into work every day with a smile on my face. I was lucky enough to take a risk and become an entrepreneur as soon as I graduated. Somehow I’ve been lucky enough to have my first endeavor actually work out but I believe that’s a testament to my hard work, dedication and refusal to give up. I plan to take this with me for the rest of my life on helping smaller companies grow themselves into what they envision. sell my company.
What do you love most about where you are now in life? For years after paying yourself next to nothing, to see things come to fruition and be financially taken care of is quite satisfying. More importantly, I’m closer with my friends and family than ever since I can finally be okay with taking some time off. I’m able to travel where I want to, do the things I want and don’t have a sense of guilt that I should be working. After grinding for 4-5 years, having that freedom I’d say is rather satisfying. It’s also rather gratifying at 29 years old, knowing you’ll be “okay” in life no matter what happens.
And a few more just for fun. . .
Best invention of all time: A plane
Dream vacation: Traveling all over the world in a private jet for a month (snowboarding + beaches)
Favorite movie: Too difficult, too many
Breakfast staple(s): French Toast