Teacher Appreciation Week: Margaret Miller

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” ~ Maya Angelou

Twenty-five years ago, I walked out of Ms. Miller, my then-high school counselor’s office for the first time. I don’t remember what she said specifically, but I do remember feeling truly heard.

On #TeacherAppreciationWeek, I want to recognize Margaret Miller (who I now know as Margaret, because time will do that…). She was my high school counselor for a hot-minute, but has spent the past few decades as a trusted friend and confidante to so many, including lucky me. She saved me more than once during a high school experience I was pretty much done with by sophomore year. My second book, THE MYTH OF THE PERFECT GIRL, is dedicated to her.

Margaret has read nearly every word of every book I’ve written in draft form, and I doubt I would be doing this work if it wasn’t for her mentorship and sponsorship through the years. I’ve called her with so many professional and personal situations that at the time seemed volcanic and are now are minuscule in the rearview mirror of life. Her daughter generously calls me “her other daughter.”

I have so many favorite memories, but one would definitely be the Q&A event we did for the launch of my latest book, SOCIAL MEDIA WELLNESS. She also gave me the inspiration for this Washington Post piece, What Teens Wish Their Parents Knew About Social Media.

Professionally, Margaret helped so many parents and students through their most challenging times. She’s funny, witty and wise, and a champion for positive growth and discipline. In the world of crazy that is the Silicon Valley, she’s remained student-centered and fair with a work ethic and integrity that is unparalleled.

After twenty or so years as Dean of Students she is set to “retire” this year – I put that in quotation marks because the woman has so many projects lined up … including helping me with some new initiatives!

Executive coaches and business leaders advise having a kitchen cabinet or personal board of directors. I’ve been blessed with a pretty brilliant one, and if my board had quarterly meetings, Margaret Miller would be sitting in the Chairperson’s seat.

Thank you, Margaret, for being you. #teachers

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