What the Kids are Saying: Upcoming Conversations on Navigating Back-to-School and College Admissions


I’ve spent the past month speaking with students around the country about how it is being back-to-school this fall. Here’s a sampling of what I’ve heard:

  • Feels like being a freshman again! (from multiple high school juniors!)
  • Love being back in-person; didn’t realize what I took for granted
  • I feel like I need to improve my social skills
  • Overwhelmed with the amount of stuff to do – but happy to have sports season again
  • Miss having a day set aside every week to check-in with teachers and get caught up

There were some positive adjustments – namely, some scheduling approaches that benefited students, like the high schools that did fewer subjects at once and had one day a week for student/teacher office hours – and I hope we are able to bring some of those back into the fold!

I am offering two upcoming community talks as a way of being inclusive and accessible for all parents, educators and caregivers.

On this Sunday, September 26, 2021, I’ll discuss helping students navigate the back-to-school overwhelm and offer practical strategies for the upcoming year. This talk will focus on executive functioning and how we can support students as they juggle online and IRL school requirements. Register Here.

On Sunday, October 3, 2021, I’ll discuss college admissions strategies for rising sophomores and juniors. This talk is really meant to reduce student stress as they return to school, and to address any myths that tend to be percolating… Register Here.

Both talks are at 5 pm PDT/8 pm EDT, and are free, though spots are limited. Registration allows for a limited playback feature.

Hope this school year has been off to a good start for you and your loved ones.

Warm wishes,

Other articles of interest:
Robinhood is going on a college tour to recruit customers (WSJ) – Side note: we need financial literacy in schools… yesterday.

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