In This Month's More Magazine …

A few weeks ago, there was an article in the NYTimes on entrepreneurial parents raising the next generation of chief executives by encouraging their children to join along. I read with great interest, and thought back to my own work as …

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Guest Post: The Misleading Art of Multitasking

Kelsey has been working with me at Green Ivy, and is a wonderful instructor. Here, she shares her thoughts on the myth of multi-tasking: The scene is familiar: after putting in your password and waiting for your email to load, …

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When Buying a Rolex (or choosing a college)…

Our newest Green Ivy coach (and recent Stanford grad) Kelsey and I collaborated on this piece together – print it out and take it on your next college campus visit. Last week, I loved this article in the NYTimes entitled …

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For 2015: Letting Go to Let In

Last weekend, I sold a few things on Craigslist. I had remodeled a bit and wanted to get rid of some old (to me) but (still) lovely pieces of furniture which were in great condition but had served their purpose …

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Reflections, Resolutions and Intentions

At the end of every year, it seems natural to look ahead to the upcoming one and think about how much we want things to improve and be different in some way. As someone who has worked with students for …

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October Travels, November News

Happy November! It’s amazing we are in the final stretch of 2014 ~ I don’t know what the year has been like for you, but what a year it has been for me personally and professionally (and it’s not over!). …

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The Mid-Year Reassess

So, we’re a little over half way through 2014. How’s it going for you? Has it been a great year? Action packed, huh? We tend to start the year with such great intentions (or resolutions, as some might call them) …

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