Back to School — Balance and New Beginnings in Fall 2021

Greetings! In my office, we’re going back to our school year schedule today…and we have the school year buzz…When I started to draft this newsletter, I wanted to offer back-to-school strategies that could be used to help students ease the …

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The Social Skill Kids Need Support With Right Now…

Greetings! Over the past few weeks, I’ve been talking with students around the country who are reflecting about this past school year and thinking about the upcoming one. Some students have been learning remotely for nearly 16 months, and others …

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A Little About The Life Navigator Advisory Program

Greetings! For the past three years, I’ve essentially had two full- time jobs – with a lot of great support from an amazing team. In addition to my work at Green Ivy, I started Luminaria Learning, a non-profit initiative focused on two interrelated questions: How can …

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Supporting Students for a Brighter 2021

Greetings! The other day, I realized that we hadn’t seen students in our office in nearly ten months! Santa Clara County, where our office is located, is currently under stay at home orders. As we head into a new calendar year, …

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Life Navigator Middle School Program Update

As we move into the home stretch of 2020, I wanted to share a story and provide an update on our Life Navigator Middle School Advisory Program. Some of you may have heard me speak about it in its infancy, …

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