Closing a Chapter…

Last week, I finished the draft of my latest book, Social Media Wellness, which is slated to be released next year. After putting the finishing touches on the final chapter, I was absolutely in shock. I have been thinking, talking, …

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October Travels, November News

Happy November! It’s amazing we are in the final stretch of 2014 ~ I don’t know what the year has been like for you, but what a year it has been for me personally and professionally (and it’s not over!). …

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The Priceless Gift of Mentoring

Sometimes, a casual conversation has the opportunity to change your life, and I live by the mantra, “You never know who you might sit next to.” Several years ago, I was invited to a swanky fundraiser for the Boys and …

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The Mid-Year Reassess

So, we’re a little over half way through 2014. How’s it going for you? Has it been a great year? Action packed, huh? We tend to start the year with such great intentions (or resolutions, as some might call them) …

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Lessons from My Father

Last week, my sister and I received a group text from our father asking, “Do you have any plans for June 15?” By now, we are both smarter than his not-so-subtle reminders, and replied with some version of “It’s Father’s …

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What I Learned In Washington DC

Last week, I traveled to Washington DC (and more specifically, the University of Maryland – College Park) to present at the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders. Boy, was I impressed. Over 900 young women from all over the …

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